Best Selling Author - Speaker - Life Coach - Certified Fitness Trainer

In April 2007 Keith had a heart attack, underwent lifesaving open-heart surgery and has lost over 200 pounds WITHOUT weight loss surgery.
Keith is America’s #1 Lifestyle Change Expert that specializes in overcoming and preventing heart disease and obesity issues. His message focuses on healthier living that inspires others to take action to live a longer, happier and ultimately healthier life.
Recipient of the American Heart Association - Start! Lifestyle Change Award
“If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” -Thomas Edison

Keith's Mission Statement

"To inspire and motivate others to believe that a healthier life is one bite and one step away."

October 27, 2010

The Best Time For Your Heart? - Keith Ahrens

“When is the best time to exercise?  Is it morning, noon, or night?  How about 3am, 3pm, when the sunrises or the stars shine? The correct answer is -- The best time to exercise is the time that you WILL exercise! Find your niche, find your time but make activity and exercise a daily heart healthy priority.” - Keith

October 22, 2010

Are You Prepared?

“Recertified for my CPR – AED Adult, Child and Infant Training today. It’s always good to get the practice using AED devices and Performing CPR. You never know when you’ll be called upon or have to step in to save a life. Being prepared can make a scary situation seem less scary. Are you ready? Please visit the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross web sites for classes in your area.” - Keith

October 20, 2010

An Ounce of Prevention .....

"Why don’t we get check ups? Many people are in a state of denial, have fears, too busy, don't want to know if there's a problem, hate doctors, afraid of blood work, may feel embarrassed to discover a problem etc.....  I could go on and on about excuses I've heard.  But at the end of the day, they're just excuses. Get a check up!  Save your life!" - Keith

October 17, 2010

Confidence - Feel It

“Have confidence in someone else. Have confidence in yourself. I know what its like for people have confidence in me. Other people’s confidence has brought me through some very difficult times. Today I share my confidence in you. You deserve it. Feel proud and empowered to know that someone, somewhere is confident in you.” – Keith

October 15, 2010

Proud, Very Proud

Team "Outrunning My Shadow" So far - $2785 raised, #1 Community Team, #5 overall team. Way to go team and contributors.  Also, as last years AHA Lifestyle Change Award Recipient, The AHA asked me to present the award to this years recipient.
Las Vegas American Heart Association Heart Walk October 16, 2010

October 12, 2010

1st Place Going Into The Final Stretch

Here we go. Team "Outrunning My Shadow" is the top Community Team as of today in our fundraising efforts for Saturday's Heart Walk.  We've exceeded our team goal and want to go even higher.

It's still not too late to donate and help make a difference. Lives will be saved. The money goes directly to research, grant funding, and awareness campaigns.  Follow the link below for more information.

Thank you so much for your Heart Healthy support. Keith

October 10, 2010

“Headline: Heart Disease Researchers Find A Cure?” - Keith Ahrens

“HEADLINE: Heart Disease Researchers Find A Cure” ???
Well, maybe not yet, but if I have my way I’ll see this headline in my lifetime. I try every day to do something to rid this planet of this terrible killer.” - Keith

October 8, 2010

Las Vegas Health - Keith Ahrens

Heart Disease, Obesity & Sleep | Las Vegas Health Magazine

Click on the above link to read the article.

Las Vegas Health Magazine.  An Article by Sharon Chayra, October 8, 2010.
Sharon interviewed me for this article on heart disease and obesity.  She's a terrific writer and health advocate. Enjoy.

I Like It In The "___________"

“I like it in the loft and doing it in public. Of course, I’m talking about exercise.  Where do you like to do it? Location should never be an excuse not to get in some daily exercise or activity. Fitness is the least expensive and most effective “natural-medicine” we can take. In addition to helping your heart with daily exercise and activity, this is also breast cancer awareness month. Get your checkup and routine screenings.” - Keith

October 5, 2010

Team Outrunning My Shadow

Team Outrunning My Shadow has raised over $1000 for the American Heart Association. Our walk is October 16 in Las Vegas. Any donation, large or small is appreciated and heart felt:) The link above will take you directly to the donation page and give more information. Heart Healthier Days Ahead. Thanks for the support.

October 3, 2010

Here's 10 For You:)

“10 minutes of exercise for everyone.  When I work out, I’ll do an extra 10 minutes thinking of everyone that needs a little push and encouragement to get moving.  Knowing that I’ll do 10 minutes thinking of you, will you match it and do 10 minutes thinking of yourself? Remember, we all started somewhere” – Keith

Is Your Glass Half Full?

“Hostility, pessimism, and cynicism can hurt your heart health. I believe everyone deserves to be happy and healthy. Studies have shown that an optimistic and positive way of thinking reduces the risk for developing heart disease.  Optimistic people seem to make better lifestyle choices. Optimism may lead to lower blood pressure and reduced stress. It appears positive thinking just may save your life.” - Keith

September 27, 2010

One More Hug

“Is it possible to get someone to do something healthier for just a hug? When you ask your spouse, kids, or a friend to do something that will make them healthier, tell them you’ll give them a hug. What may not seem like a big deal today, may mean the world to them tomorrow. What would you give to hug a family member or friend just one more time that has passed away?” - Keith

September 24, 2010

No Charge, Really! - Keith Ahrens

“A Good Attitude is Free.  No Charge and You Make it For Yourself.  It’s an easy recipe that's definitely Heart Healthy.  It’s the bad attitude that costs us.” - Keith

September 21, 2010

Keith's Golden Rule

“We all know the golden rule, “Treat others as you wish to be treated”.  I say, “Treat yourself the way you treat other people”.  We often treat our family and friends much better than we treat ourselves. Why? Put yourself at the front of the line when it comes to heart healthy lifestyle changes. You deserve it. I’m a big believer in putting yourself first. The impact it’s had on my life and how many people I’ve been able to help and influence has been immeasurable.” - Keith

September 18, 2010

American Heart Association Heart Walk - Keith Ahrens

Keith's Heart Walk Page - Click Here:)

The Heart Walk is coming up on October 16th.  Please support me or any one of the members on team "Outrunning My Shadow" at this years AHA Heart Walk.

It's easy to donate and takes just a few minutes.  $5, $10, $20, or whatever you can donate will help saves lives.

Thanks you so much your continued support:)  Heart Healthier days Ahead:) - Keith


Misdiagnosis?  I’ve heard from several people recently about them being misdiagnosed by their doctor.  I haven’t done much research on this topic. Perhaps this is more common than I thought. I’m a big believer in 2nd or even 3rd opinions. I’m not speaking about simply not liking what the doctor says, but actually misdiagnosing a condition that has become a much bigger issue. Thoughts? - Keith

September 12, 2010

Just a Small Change Makes a Big Difference

“We can create a Heart Healthy Week. Ask yourself, “What behaviors can I change this week?” Make a small commitment and stick to it.
Some ideas: No eating after 6pm and no nibbling while cooking. If your watching TV, move during the 2 minute commercial breaks. Take the stairs at work.  Park the car just a little further away. No finishing the kids’ meals. Drink a little more water. Eat an extra piece of fruit or serving of veggies. Take a look around and identify a few behaviors you can change this week.  Make at least one small commitment of change that will help your heart health. - Keith

A Better Doctors Visit

Keith’s 7 tips for a better Doctor’s visits:
1. Introduce yourself to the doctor, shake hands, and make eye contact when they come in the room. Remember, It’s about YOU.
2. Always have a pen and paper with you.  The doctor will see that you’re paying attention to what they say and know that you are taking notes. Besides it's often hard to remember some of the little things.
3. Before your visit, if possible, write down exactly how you're feeling and what the symptoms are.  Write down any questions you have also.  We tend to forget things when we're sitting in the doctor’s office.  After we leave it's no time to say, "I wish I remembered to tell him/her that".
4. Be as specific as possible.  I found out that there can be a huge difference in what patients are able to communicate with their doctors as they go further up the specialty ladder.
5. If you have time before your visit, search the symptoms you're feeling on the Internet.  Some words you discover might more accurately describe your symptoms.
6. For routine visits I bring my old numbers such as total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, ratios, triglycerides, blood pressure, and pulse.  It allows me to write the new numbers side by side so I can see a snapshot of improvement.
7. Always have written down any medications, exact dosages and frequency for all medications and/or vitamins you may be taking. Share this information with your doctor.  This alone could save your life.

Remember, you're in charge of your own medical team:)  Keith

September 8, 2010

Putting It In Perspective

On a radio interview from southern Texas, we were discussing Heart Healthy Lifestyle Changes and the host said to me, “You don’t eat fried chicken anymore?”  I told him “not any more”.  He said, “I could never give up my fried chicken.  That would be way too extreme.”  “Extreme”, I said.  “To me, extreme is an eleven-inch scar on my chest.”  To that he responded, “Well, I guess I can cut way back on my fried chicken”. - Keith

September 6, 2010

Giving Back From The Heart

Please watch the video and learn about someone making a difference.  Get your checkup and screening.  The life you save may be your own.  Thanks Holly for your tireless efforts to save lives and prevent Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
KTLA Heroes at Home: Athlete Dedicates Life to Fighting Sudden Cardiac Arrest --

September 3, 2010

A Great Day to Share

“Today I delivered the Keynote Speech for the Howard County Public School System education conference.  There were 150 Health and Physical Education teachers in attendance.  The break out sessions were focused on nutrition, obesity prevention and physical fitness and technology.  These great teachers are on the front line of the obesity epidemic and need our support.  The heart health of our children depend on it.  They positively impact the lives of every student they work with.  One teacher told me that my speech could impact as many as 50,000 students. What a feeling:)” - Keith

September 1, 2010

Slow and Steady = Results

“Most experts agree with me that small shifts and small lifestyle changes lead to long-term success for losing weight and maintaining weight loss as well as improving our physical fitness. The diet industry is a $60 billion industry built on failure.  When is the last time you saw a weight loss product on TV that said you could lose 3 pounds over 3 weeks?” - Keith

August 30, 2010

Turn It On

“Everyone needs to find the inspiration and motivation that can flip the switch that will lead to the heart healthier life that we deserve. The thing is that you have to reach for the switch and flip it yourself. Others may inspire and motivate you, but you have to make the first move. I say, Turn It On” - Keith

August 27, 2010

A Hard Day Will Pass

“Unfortunately, I know first hand what its like to have heart disease and open-heart surgery as a result of not taking care of myself.  It can be a hard and challenging journey for many of us to a healthier life.  The one thing I've learned is that the hard days last as long as we allow them to last.  We can change our habits and make the right decisions on activity and nutrition.” - Keith

August 26, 2010

Something to Think About

“Why should you be doing something to improve your heart health?  I want you to think about what's in it for you?  Ask yourself this.  What one thing would you like to do or feel that you can't do now or haven't felt in years?” – Keith

August 23, 2010


“August 23, 2007, is the day I had my open-heart surgery. I remember as if it were yesterday. I would imagine all survivors could relate to how I feel. I’m more alive today than I’ve ever been. I’ve lost over 200 pounds (without surgery) and feel great. I exercise and try to eat heart healthy everyday. Each day presents new challenges and obstacles but I do my best. Everyday is the greatest day of my life.” - Keith

August 22, 2010

A Day at a Time

“Tomorrow's a new day as is the next.  We decide how that day will go by our actions.  Plan ahead the night before.  Think Heart Health for the day and keep it in your mind.  Use little reminders such as notes to yourself to help keep you on track.  Make the right decisions and the momentum builds 1 minute, 1 hour, and 1 day at a time.  Make it your day:)” - Keith

August 20, 2010

Now, Today, Tomorrow and Next Week

“For many people their first Heart Attack or Stroke is their last. Sad … but true. Education, Awareness and Prevention are the tools we have to combat the deadly and often preventable diseases that cause heart attack and stroke.  Do something now; today, tomorrow and next week to positively impact your own life.  It’s a gift you will cherish forever.” - Keith

August 15, 2010

Sticking To It

“If losing weight were so simple, there would be no obesity epidemic. There are no quick fixes and fads don’t work. Believe me, I’ve tried most them. The fact is that losing weight is very difficult for most of us. It’s hard but the rewards of shedding the excess pounds (even a few) have unparalleled health benefits. The best diet or fitness program is the one that you’ll do and stick with that is nutritionally balanced and safe.” - Keith

August 11, 2010

Stressed Out?

“Stress is certainly a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Reducing stress may be as beneficial as exercise and diet in preventing these diseases. Exercise, even short walks, and getting enough sleep may dramatically reduce stress in your life.” - Keith

August 6, 2010


“It's more challenging to eat healthier when healthier choices are not readily available or simply unaffordable. We must simply do the BEST we can under the circumstances. Because healthier choices are more expensive we must strive to make the BEST choices we can.” - Keith

The Wrong Direction

“According to a new report by the CDC, Obesity rates went up 1.1% between 2007 and 2009. In the past two years, 2.4 million people have joined the ranks of the obese. More than 70 million people are obese which is just over 26% of the population. The percentage of “overweight” adults is much higher. Heart disease and other related illnesses are surely expected to rise. I just want to scream” - Keith

August 5, 2010

Keeping It Real

"I had 3 radio interviews today. One host asked if I prayed about not overeating to stay healthy. Well, I don’t talk religion or politics. I did tell her I said Keith’s prayer. When I wake up I say “Help Me Make It Through The Day And Keep The Food At Bay”, and at night I say “At The End Of The Day I Kept The Food At Away”. - Keith

August 2, 2010

Spices Keep It Heart Healthy

“I get asked what spices I use.  Looking in my pantry I have pepper, garlic powder, paprika, smoked paprika, cayenne, thyme, sweet basil, parsley, rosemary, crushed red pepper, cumin, tumeric, coriander, oregano, and chili powder.  I use a lot of fresh herbs and garlic too.  What do you use to keep it tasty?” - Keith

July 31, 2010

Nurses Are The Best

“I went to a wedding reception and there were 3 Cardiac ER nurses there.  One of them said that this was the safest party in town and that there was no way anyone could die there.  She said that if something were to happen the patient would surely survive at least until they got to the hospital.  It was the funniest and truest thing I have heard in a long while. Nurses are the greatest.  They do what the doctors can’t” - Keith

July 30, 2010

We Are The Cure!

We are the Cure. Since 1999, the death rate from coronary heart disease has decreased by 23%; the death rate from stroke has been reduced by 19%; and high cholesterol prevalence was reduced by 20%.Much of this success in fighting cardiovascular diseases and stroke is due to the research, public education efforts, medical training and community health programs funded by the American Heart Association. Source: AHA

July 29, 2010

Blood Is Thicker Than Water.... But Mostly Water

“Pumping from our heart, It takes blood about 20 seconds to circulate throughout the entire vascular system.  Blood is approximately 78% water.  Stay hydrated.  Drink plenty of plain water.  Water is key to good health and weight control.” - Keith

July 26, 2010

Do You Have A List?

“Shop with a list.  No list, No grocery shopping.  This has really helped me keep the garbage (unhealthy) foods away and out of the house.  Impulse buying for me is almost non-existent.  Add heart healthy foods to your list and stick to it.  Keep a grocery list on the counter and add items throughout the week.  Remember, If it doesn’t go in the cart, it can’t hitch a ride home.” - Keith

July 24, 2010

Heart Walk Coming Up

Please join team "Outrunning My Shadow" for the 2010 American Heart Association Heart Walk.  Feel free to donate or sign up and walk with our team. If you are out of state you can certainly sign up and be a virtual walker.  I understand how rough the economy is for many.  Feel free to join the team even if you can't donate at this time.  I would be honored to walk for you or in honor or memory of a loved one.  This year I will be walking again as a Heart Attack, Open-Heart Surgery and Obesity Survivor.  I will also be walking in memory of my co-captains brother Michael, who lost his life to a stroke this year.  Everyone suffering or that has been affected by Heart Disease and related illnesses will be with me in spirit.  Thank you for your support and remember even a $5 donation makes a difference in the prevention, awareness and research to defeat these diseases.  Heart Healthy Days Ahead, Keith (a safe link to my Heart Walk page is below)
Link to my American Heart Association Heart Walk Page

July 21, 2010

Choose Fruit

“The Heart Healthy benefits of fruits are enormous.  Fruits are rich in fiber, natural minerals, and vitamins to name a few.  Choose a variety of colorful fruits and snack away.  I’ve had some fantastic nectarines, blueberries and red seedless grapes in the last couple weeks.  Look for what’s on sale to tell you what’s in season and fresh.  What great tasting fruits have you had lately?” - Keith

July 18, 2010

Let's Get On The Ride

“A Lifestyle Change can be like a roller coaster.  We’re nervous and scared before we get on it.  The biggest fear is when it starts.  After the first drop we feel relieved and catch our breath, although there may be some more ups and downs.  When the ride is over we say it wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be.  We’re usually happy that we can say, “We Did It”.  Start your Heart Healthy ride today.” - Keith 

July 15, 2010

A Big Thank You

“A big “Thank You” to the medical students at Touro University for having me speak and share my journey and fight with Heart Disease and Obesity.  Your questions at the end made the presentation even better.  You will each save and change many lives for the better.  Heart healthy Days to you and best of luck in school.” - Keith

The Best Hospitals in the World

US News Best Hospitals List (Link to US News Report)
The Best Hospital List is out again.  Congratulations to my friends and doctors at Johns Hopkins Medical Center and The Cleveland Clinic.