Best Selling Author - Speaker - Life Coach - Certified Fitness Trainer

In April 2007 Keith had a heart attack, underwent lifesaving open-heart surgery and has lost over 200 pounds WITHOUT weight loss surgery.
Keith is America’s #1 Lifestyle Change Expert that specializes in overcoming and preventing heart disease and obesity issues. His message focuses on healthier living that inspires others to take action to live a longer, happier and ultimately healthier life.
Recipient of the American Heart Association - Start! Lifestyle Change Award
“If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” -Thomas Edison

Keith's Mission Statement

"To inspire and motivate others to believe that a healthier life is one bite and one step away."

April 27, 2010


By Mike Epstein

“I’ll start tomorrow”
“I think I’ll wait until Monday”
“I have a big event coming up next week.  I think I’ll wait until after that”
“I hurt myself.  I can’t do any exercise.  I’ll wait until I’m better”
“I’m going to eat anything and everything tonight.  I’m starting my diet tomorrow”
“Can’t eat anything tonight.  I’m getting weighed tomorrow”
“I’d rather have a table than a booth”
“Wow, I don’t remember these booths being so tight”
“Oh jeez, the chairs have armrests.  Do they all have armrests?”
“I don’t want to go to that restaurant.  All the chairs have armrests.”
“Can I have a seat belt extender?”
“Can I have an aisle seat?”
“Can I have a seat in the emergency exit row?”
“What do you mean you booked me in a middle seat?”
“What do you mean I have to buy another seat on this airplane?”
 “You want to weigh me?  I don’t think so. . You have to have the extra 100lb piece you hang on between the 150lb and 200lb slots.  I know because I have this scale at home”
“I’ll just pick a little something up on the way home to hold me over until dinner”
“You have to be kidding me.  I won’t fit in that rental car.  You’ll need the jaws of life to get me out”
“No thank you.  I never eat dessert”
“Can I have skim milk with my coffee?”
“How can you be so big?  I never see you eat”
“You really look hot.  You’re sweating.  Take off your shirt.  Jump in.  The water is great. “
“Different manufacturers make their clothes smaller.  It’s really a 3X”
“We only make sizes up to 2X.  Sorry.”
“No one over 300lbs can ride this ride”
“Sorry sir, if you can’t put the bar all of the way down, you’ll have to exit the ride”
“Daddy can’t do that, his leg hurts”
“Daddy can’t do that, his back hurts”
“Daddy can’t do that, he’s too fat”
“I was stuck in the seat, when I got up, the chair got up with me.”
“We’ll have to special order that for your size”
“Should you be eating so many carbs?”
“You used to be really handsome”
“I didn’t even recognize you”
“Man, did you get fat”
“I’m just big boned”
“I’ve got a lot of muscle underneath.  It’s just an overcoat”
“Do you need help getting up?”
”You move pretty good for a big guy”
“ 2 egg McMuffins, 2 bottles of water ”
“Aren’t you embarrassed by the way you look?
”You can’t feel good about yourself”
”Don’t you want to be around for your kids?”
“I’ll start tomorrow”

“Today is the first day of the rest of my life!  It is tomorrow!

April 24, 2010

American Heart Association Heart Ball

I had a great time at the American Heart Association Heart Ball.  I met some incredible people and the generosity of the donors was an eye opener.  I am so thankful for the invitation by the AHA.

April 22, 2010

American Heart Association Heart Ball

I’ll be dressing like a Penguin. The 20th Annual American Heart Association Heart Ball is Saturday Night at the Ritz Carlton. I was invited to be a guest of The American Heart Association. What an honor.

Extend Your Shelf Life

“Our bodies don’t have expiration dates.  We can, however, greatly extend our “Shelf Life” and “Best If Used By” dates by eating Heart Healthy and making Fitness a priority.” - Keith

April 20, 2010

Try It, You May Like It

“When you go to the store, buy 2 new vegetables or fruits that you don’t normally eat, but have wanted to try.  Think outside the box. By adding a couple of foods to your heart healthy eating plan you’ll feel like you’re getting something instead of having something taken away.” - Keith

April 18, 2010

Allergy Warning?

“I found out that I actually didn’t lose over 200 pounds.  I realized I had an allergenic reaction to fast food.  It lasted for 23 years.  As soon as I stopped eating fast foods the swelling went down and I started to feel great. Do you have the same allergy?” - Keith

April 15, 2010

"Start Your Heart"

“It’s recommended that we get at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity most days of the week. If 30 minutes seem too much it’s OK.  Just start somewhere.  Our heart benefits from any type of activity and duration. Don't give up. You can even break up your workout time into 5 or 10-minute sessions and still get benefits.  Remember that gardening, housekeeping, taking the stairs and walking the dog count toward your total. You don't have to exercise strenuously to achieve benefits, but you’ll see bigger benefits by increasing the intensity, duration and frequency of your workouts.” - Keith

April 11, 2010

"If I Have A Choice, Then I'm In Control"

“Do you ever feel like your world is out of control?  For instance, think about overeating or not exercising.  If you have a choice of weather to overeat, or not, or to exercise, or not, then you are in control of the situation. You may not make the right choice all the time, but you’re in control.” - Keith

April 8, 2010

"A Pencil and Your Health"

"A pencil has an eraser on it.  So if you mess up once in a while, you can go back and correct yourself until the eraser runs out.  Isn’t the same true with healthy eating and fitness?  In most cases, if you mess up today you can go back and start anew tomorrow. You just don’t want to use your eraser all up.” - Keith

April 6, 2010

AHA National Start! Walking Day April 7

Wear your sneakers to work April 7. Get out even if it's for just a few minutes. American Heart Association - Tomorrow is National Start! Walking Day. Join people across the country and walk for 30 minutes

April 5, 2010

"We Don't Carry Those Here Sir."

"Walmart sells everything... or so I thought!  I went to Walmart and looked for the "Human Heart" isle.  I asked every person with a blue jacket where they were.  No one could answer me.  I realized that they don't sell them. I was amazed and decided to take better care of the one I had:)"