Best Selling Author - Speaker - Life Coach - Certified Fitness Trainer

In April 2007 Keith had a heart attack, underwent lifesaving open-heart surgery and has lost over 200 pounds WITHOUT weight loss surgery.
Keith is America’s #1 Lifestyle Change Expert that specializes in overcoming and preventing heart disease and obesity issues. His message focuses on healthier living that inspires others to take action to live a longer, happier and ultimately healthier life.
Recipient of the American Heart Association - Start! Lifestyle Change Award
“If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” -Thomas Edison

Keith's Mission Statement

"To inspire and motivate others to believe that a healthier life is one bite and one step away."

July 31, 2010

Nurses Are The Best

“I went to a wedding reception and there were 3 Cardiac ER nurses there.  One of them said that this was the safest party in town and that there was no way anyone could die there.  She said that if something were to happen the patient would surely survive at least until they got to the hospital.  It was the funniest and truest thing I have heard in a long while. Nurses are the greatest.  They do what the doctors can’t” - Keith

July 30, 2010

We Are The Cure!

We are the Cure. Since 1999, the death rate from coronary heart disease has decreased by 23%; the death rate from stroke has been reduced by 19%; and high cholesterol prevalence was reduced by 20%.Much of this success in fighting cardiovascular diseases and stroke is due to the research, public education efforts, medical training and community health programs funded by the American Heart Association. Source: AHA

July 29, 2010

Blood Is Thicker Than Water.... But Mostly Water

“Pumping from our heart, It takes blood about 20 seconds to circulate throughout the entire vascular system.  Blood is approximately 78% water.  Stay hydrated.  Drink plenty of plain water.  Water is key to good health and weight control.” - Keith

July 26, 2010

Do You Have A List?

“Shop with a list.  No list, No grocery shopping.  This has really helped me keep the garbage (unhealthy) foods away and out of the house.  Impulse buying for me is almost non-existent.  Add heart healthy foods to your list and stick to it.  Keep a grocery list on the counter and add items throughout the week.  Remember, If it doesn’t go in the cart, it can’t hitch a ride home.” - Keith

July 24, 2010

Heart Walk Coming Up

Please join team "Outrunning My Shadow" for the 2010 American Heart Association Heart Walk.  Feel free to donate or sign up and walk with our team. If you are out of state you can certainly sign up and be a virtual walker.  I understand how rough the economy is for many.  Feel free to join the team even if you can't donate at this time.  I would be honored to walk for you or in honor or memory of a loved one.  This year I will be walking again as a Heart Attack, Open-Heart Surgery and Obesity Survivor.  I will also be walking in memory of my co-captains brother Michael, who lost his life to a stroke this year.  Everyone suffering or that has been affected by Heart Disease and related illnesses will be with me in spirit.  Thank you for your support and remember even a $5 donation makes a difference in the prevention, awareness and research to defeat these diseases.  Heart Healthy Days Ahead, Keith (a safe link to my Heart Walk page is below)
Link to my American Heart Association Heart Walk Page

July 21, 2010

Choose Fruit

“The Heart Healthy benefits of fruits are enormous.  Fruits are rich in fiber, natural minerals, and vitamins to name a few.  Choose a variety of colorful fruits and snack away.  I’ve had some fantastic nectarines, blueberries and red seedless grapes in the last couple weeks.  Look for what’s on sale to tell you what’s in season and fresh.  What great tasting fruits have you had lately?” - Keith

July 18, 2010

Let's Get On The Ride

“A Lifestyle Change can be like a roller coaster.  We’re nervous and scared before we get on it.  The biggest fear is when it starts.  After the first drop we feel relieved and catch our breath, although there may be some more ups and downs.  When the ride is over we say it wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be.  We’re usually happy that we can say, “We Did It”.  Start your Heart Healthy ride today.” - Keith 

July 15, 2010

A Big Thank You

“A big “Thank You” to the medical students at Touro University for having me speak and share my journey and fight with Heart Disease and Obesity.  Your questions at the end made the presentation even better.  You will each save and change many lives for the better.  Heart healthy Days to you and best of luck in school.” - Keith

The Best Hospitals in the World

US News Best Hospitals List (Link to US News Report)
The Best Hospital List is out again.  Congratulations to my friends and doctors at Johns Hopkins Medical Center and The Cleveland Clinic.

July 14, 2010

Yes I can Do It!

“I didn’t know I could do that.  We’ve all said those words?  They’re true until we actually take the action to do what we thought we couldn’t do.  Our lives can only move forward based on the action we take. What we need to realize is that for any challenge we face, we hold all the answers and solutions within ourselves. Yes, I can do it.” - Keith

A Name Change

"The title to my book was originally, “I Can And I Did”.  I changed the name when “Outrunning My Shadow” came to me at 3 in the morning." - Keith

July 11, 2010

Yes or No?

“Remember, getting healthier and more fit is not a race or contest.  HEART HEALTHY, YES or NO?  Ask yourself this when you start to eat something or do something.  I do it all the time.  If you say NO, then you may do or eat less of it:)” - Keith

Small Wins

“Winning the little battles against heart disease and obesity makes it easier to win the war.  Start fighting now.” - Keith

July 8, 2010

Take 5 for Your Heart and Make it 20

“5 turns into 10.  15 into 20.  For many of us, the hardest part about exercising is just getting started.  When I exercise it seems if I commit to 30 minutes of cardio it turns into 45-60 minutes.  When I started exercising regularly, a commitment of 5 minutes turned to 10 then to 20 and so on.  So just commit to 5 minutes of exercise or activity and watch it grow.  So “take 5” and get healthier.  Your heart will thank you.”- Keith

Join Our HeartWalk Team as a Virtual Walker or Donate

Feel free to join Team "Outrunning My Shadow" as a virtual walker or please donate and join the fight to erase heart disease, stroke, and obesity.

July 6, 2010

3 Years Ago on July 6, 2007

“The cardiologist put the catheter in my leg and moved it towards my heart.  After injecting the dye, I remember his words of concern as if they were yesterday.  He said, “Keith, this is not good.  You have 3 completely occluded arteries.  I’m going to talk to your sister.”  That was July 6th 2007. On this day I found out that I needed open-heart surgery to save my life.” - Keith

July 5, 2010

Excuses Be Gone

“I know all the excuses we give ourselves not to exercise.  I was the king of excuses. I think I’ve used most of them.  It wasn’t until I realized that in the time it took me think of the excuse, I could’ve put on my sneakers and started to exercise.   Excuses don’t help your heart—action does.” - Keith