“Everyone needs to find the inspiration and motivation that can flip the switch that will lead to the heart healthier life that we deserve. The thing is that you have to reach for the switch and flip it yourself. Others may inspire and motivate you, but you have to make the first move. I say, Turn It On” - Keith
August 30, 2010
August 27, 2010
A Hard Day Will Pass
“Unfortunately, I know first hand what its like to have heart disease and open-heart surgery as a result of not taking care of myself. It can be a hard and challenging journey for many of us to a healthier life. The one thing I've learned is that the hard days last as long as we allow them to last. We can change our habits and make the right decisions on activity and nutrition.” - Keith
August 26, 2010
Something to Think About
“Why should you be doing something to improve your heart health? I want you to think about what's in it for you? Ask yourself this. What one thing would you like to do or feel that you can't do now or haven't felt in years?” – Keith
August 23, 2010
“August 23, 2007, is the day I had my open-heart surgery. I remember as if it were yesterday. I would imagine all survivors could relate to how I feel. I’m more alive today than I’ve ever been. I’ve lost over 200 pounds (without surgery) and feel great. I exercise and try to eat heart healthy everyday. Each day presents new challenges and obstacles but I do my best. Everyday is the greatest day of my life.” - Keith
August 22, 2010
A Day at a Time
“Tomorrow's a new day as is the next. We decide how that day will go by our actions. Plan ahead the night before. Think Heart Health for the day and keep it in your mind. Use little reminders such as notes to yourself to help keep you on track. Make the right decisions and the momentum builds 1 minute, 1 hour, and 1 day at a time. Make it your day:)” - Keith
August 20, 2010
Now, Today, Tomorrow and Next Week
“For many people their first Heart Attack or Stroke is their last. Sad … but true. Education, Awareness and Prevention are the tools we have to combat the deadly and often preventable diseases that cause heart attack and stroke. Do something now; today, tomorrow and next week to positively impact your own life. It’s a gift you will cherish forever.” - Keith
August 15, 2010
Sticking To It
“If losing weight were so simple, there would be no obesity epidemic. There are no quick fixes and fads don’t work. Believe me, I’ve tried most them. The fact is that losing weight is very difficult for most of us. It’s hard but the rewards of shedding the excess pounds (even a few) have unparalleled health benefits. The best diet or fitness program is the one that you’ll do and stick with that is nutritionally balanced and safe.” - Keith
August 11, 2010
Stressed Out?
“Stress is certainly a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Reducing stress may be as beneficial as exercise and diet in preventing these diseases. Exercise, even short walks, and getting enough sleep may dramatically reduce stress in your life.” - Keith
August 9, 2010
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home (live @ kcrw)
This song makes me feel great:) I love the lyrics "Home is wherever I'm with you." Did it put a smile on your face? - Keith
August 6, 2010
“It's more challenging to eat healthier when healthier choices are not readily available or simply unaffordable. We must simply do the BEST we can under the circumstances. Because healthier choices are more expensive we must strive to make the BEST choices we can.” - Keith
The Wrong Direction
“According to a new report by the CDC, Obesity rates went up 1.1% between 2007 and 2009. In the past two years, 2.4 million people have joined the ranks of the obese. More than 70 million people are obese which is just over 26% of the population. The percentage of “overweight” adults is much higher. Heart disease and other related illnesses are surely expected to rise. I just want to scream” - Keith
August 5, 2010
Keeping It Real
"I had 3 radio interviews today. One host asked if I prayed about not overeating to stay healthy. Well, I don’t talk religion or politics. I did tell her I said Keith’s prayer. When I wake up I say “Help Me Make It Through The Day And Keep The Food At Bay”, and at night I say “At The End Of The Day I Kept The Food At Away”. - Keith
August 2, 2010
Spices Keep It Heart Healthy
“I get asked what spices I use. Looking in my pantry I have pepper, garlic powder, paprika, smoked paprika, cayenne, thyme, sweet basil, parsley, rosemary, crushed red pepper, cumin, tumeric, coriander, oregano, and chili powder. I use a lot of fresh herbs and garlic too. What do you use to keep it tasty?” - Keith
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