Best Selling Author - Speaker - Life Coach - Certified Fitness Trainer

In April 2007 Keith had a heart attack, underwent lifesaving open-heart surgery and has lost over 200 pounds WITHOUT weight loss surgery.
Keith is America’s #1 Lifestyle Change Expert that specializes in overcoming and preventing heart disease and obesity issues. His message focuses on healthier living that inspires others to take action to live a longer, happier and ultimately healthier life.
Recipient of the American Heart Association - Start! Lifestyle Change Award
“If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” -Thomas Edison

Keith's Mission Statement

"To inspire and motivate others to believe that a healthier life is one bite and one step away."

January 31, 2010

February is National Heart Month

February is National Heart Month. National Wear Red Day is Feb. 5, 2010. Show your support for the fight against heart disease in women and all by wearing Red on Feb 5th.
I will be speaking to Doctors at Johns Hopkins University Medical Center, Bayview Campus, in Maryland on Feb 5th. The 2nd speech at noon in Carroll Auditorium is open to the public.